Peadophile Cover Up
It has been known for many years that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society have protected Pedophiles and Abusers for years. They claim that there has to be 2 witnesses to any sin committed. So if this is the case, how can anyone ever prove they were raped or any child ever prove they were sexually molested?
A rapist or molester does not invite another person along usually to witness what they are doing. The Roman Catholic church have sheltered pedophile priests for many years, they have raped Nuns and children in their care.
The JW 2 witness rule has allowed the same thing to go on for many years within the organisation and have even caused its many victims even more distress by calling them liars, trouble makers and so on..Even JW Elders have been thrown out for telling the truth; one such Brother Bill Bowen later set up a website in the US called SILENT LAMBS. His letter to the Society is shown here click on press in header.
Recently a number of these Children who are now Adults have taken the Society to Court and won Millions in damages. The Australian Royal Commission has recently found the WT Society guilty of hiding these crimes.
Here is a Video on YouTube explaining what is going on with questioning Elders of the WT in a Court by Lawyers. The other Photo is of a JW peadophile living in the UK
Please Open your eyes and see what pedophiles are doing, hiding in the Watchtower Religion. A number of Elders & Ministerial Servants have these evil tendencies so it is not just some oddballs creeping into the Kingdom Halls. The Watchtower is riddled with Pedophiles and the Society protects them. Much like the Roman Catholic Church it is endemic in a Society that try's to suppress it's criminals rather than exposing them.
This is part of what Bill Bowen wrote to the Press about the reasons he left the Religion back in the year 2000: (Bill was an Elder in the Religion, like I was)
This policy was publicly stated in The Watchtower, a publication of my religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Watchtower, which is published by the tens of millions and distributed around the world in over 139 languages, stated in the November 1, 1995 issue, pages 28-29, regarding how church officials should handle molestation:
“If the accusation is denied, the elders should explain to the accuser that nothing more can be done in a judicial way. And the congregation will continue to view the one accused as an innocent person. The Bible says that there must be two or three witnesses before judicial action can be taken. (2 Cor.13:1, 1 Tim. 5:19) Even if more than one person “remembers” abuse by the individual, the nature of these recalls is just too uncertain to base judicial decisions on them without other supporting evidence. This does not mean that such “memories” are viewed as false (or that they are viewed as true). But Bible principles must be followed in establishing a matter judicially.”
Accordingly, the only way an accused person within the Watchtower organization can be deemed guilty by church leaders of child molestation is by his/her private confession, or by the mouth of two witnesses who saw the individual crime. In the event the pedophile denies the charge he/she is protected by church authorities. The church then demands the victim remain silent or face shunning for slander of an innocent man. I feel I can trust no one within the Watchtower organization with my children. As it stands now, if my child were to accuse a Jehovah’s Witness of molestation, all he/she would have to do is deny it, and as a father I would be silenced with the threat of shunning if I were to try to warn or protect others who might be in harms way.
Let me ask you, how often are there any witnesses to an act of child molestation? How can there be “supporting evidence” of molestation when 90% of the time the crime is reported weeks or sometimes years later? How many pedophiles will tell the truth knowing if they do they could go to jail? Does the fact that the average pedophile will molest seventy children in his lifetime and is never convicted of a crime mean we should allow them anonymity within the church? What about church members who know nothing of these accusations? They are left in the dark without any knowledge that their children may possibly be in the company of an accused sex offender on a regular basis. In addition, if the molester admits to molestation, repents in private to church elders, the victim or family of the victim is not encouraged to report the molestation to the police, and, if not reported, then church authorities demand the victim remain silent. Hence the pedophile can repeat the offense because no one is aware of his past.
How bad is it? In my opinion, due to present church policy, my religion has become saturated with pedophiles holding positions from top to bottom. In my forty-plus years as a member, I have yet to find one church among Jehovah’s Witnesses that does not have problems with child molestation.